MS4 Compliance Assistance

Our team worked with the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) to develop an updated stormwater management plan to meet new municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) requirements.

Part of the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE), the effort included identifying existing and new activities to earn points per the new MS4 permit and compiling measurable goal documentation for KDOT’s annual reports in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

The project team updated KDOT’s Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Manual and developed the agency’s first Stormwater Control Measures Manual, required by the new MS4 permit. They also assisted with implementation of the Stormwater Control Measures Manual, which includes:

  • Refining submittal requirements.
  • Considering long-term asset management inspection and maintenance processes.
  • Implementing processes for design review of stormwater control measures to establish due diligence.
  • Providing conceptual evaluation of integrating stormwater control measures in urban transportation projects.

The team also worked closely with KDOT’s permitting agency, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, to proactively discuss language for the next MS4 permit.

The task of developing an updated stormwater management plan is a unique technical specialty that requires understanding of the nuances of permitting language and balancing regulatory requirements, proactive communication with the permitter, and practical application of activities that KDOT is already doing. Our MS4 specialists leveraged experience gained helping other clients comply with the MS4 permit to update KDOT’s stormwater management plan. We documented KDOT’s compliance, reduced the risk of being fined, and increased efficiencies in documentation associated with measurable goals, understanding of permit requirements, and establishing processes for continued implementation.


Our team helped KDOT staff earn recognition from the Water Environment Federation, which in 2022 named the initiative a Silver Level Community Program in Program Management and a Bronze Level in Innovation among all Phase II MS4 Awardees.


Kansas Department of Transportation









Government, Military & Municipal

