Mike Fenske

Global Facilities General Manager

You don’t leave a conversation with Mike Fenske without feeling inspired to tackle any challenge you’re up against. A charismatic leader with big ideas and a passion for empowering others, he’s taking our Global Facilities business to new horizons.

Under Mike’s leadership, the Global Facilities business has grown annual revenues by 30% each year and expanded to more than 900 employee-owners worldwide. He joined Burns & McDonnell in 1992 as part of the firm’s aviation business as an electrical engineer. Since then, he has held numerous leadership roles in a variety of industries. Mike has been instrumental in the expansion of the firm’s design-build capabilities and integrated team approach across markets, including manufacturing, industrial, commercial, food and beverage, consumer products and mission critical. With an entrepreneurial spirit, Mike is always looking for innovative ways to provide solutions to some of our clients’ most challenging projects and our company’s newest opportunities.

In the community:

Mike is passionate about the built environment and carries that interest toward his community involvement. His current active positions in community organizations include:

  • Kansas City Downtown Council, Executive Board Member (2016-Present)
  • Donnelly College, Board of Directors (2011-Present)
What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I’ve always had a passion for music! My grandmother was an organist and piano instructor for over 50 years. Additionally, my dad has always loved music and appreciated the arts. Music was always playing around our house and performing it became and early pursuit of mine. Although the rock bands are a thing of the past, I don’t let a few days go by without picking up some kind of instrument…guitar, base, piano, drums, you name it.

What’s the coolest part of your job?

I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside and learn from really creative, talented individuals and think it’s really cool to see their innovative (and sometimes "crazy”) ideas come to life. I love to inspire and be inspired.

What excites you most when you look at the future of our company?

We’ve built a company that has a unique ownership model that creates automatic succession to our people. That model has been the foundation of maintaining the most talented people and made our organization of the most top performing design and construction companies in the industry today. What still excites me is something we haven’t yet found — the end of our business capability. We’re constantly growing and acquiring new capabilities, and our people continue uncovering new areas of opportunity, which really excites me!