Environmental Compliance for Power Generation
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Environmental regulations for power generation facilities continue to evolve and change. Navigating this challenging landscape requires experience with the range of rules and regulations presented under the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act — including Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs), the coal combustion residuals (CCR) rule, New Source Performance Standards and more.
Air quality: We have been helping power industry clients complete air quality control projects for decades, and our specialists are experienced in compliance studies, permitting, system evaluations, process design, water use and management, equipment specifications, construction management, startup, testing and troubleshooting.
Our experience includes air quality control system technology evaluations, helping utilities assess cost-effective solutions to environmental compliance needs, whether for operation and maintenance performance or reliability and maintainability studies for multipollutant technologies.
Combustion byproducts: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to clarify its interpretations and modify the rules for disposal of coal combustion residuals resulting in changes to long-standing industry practices. Our staff has experience in all key fields to determine your path forward with the current regulations and the proposed Legacy Rule changes.
Decommissioning and demolition: Taking a coal-, oil- or gas-fired plant out of operation requires planning and detailed staging. We have the experience to evaluate your plant’s individual site environmental remediation required, and systems/facilities modifications to develop an optimal decommissioning plan.
Insights & News
White Paper
Carbon Capture System Design for Natural Gas Power Generation
Service Feature
Successful Decommissioning and Demolition of Obsolete Facilities and Structures Requires D…
White Paper
Carbon Capture Market Is Marching Forward
Type: White Paper
Name: Carbon Capture System Design for Natural Gas Power Generation
Type: Service Feature
Name: Successful Decommissioning and Demolition of Obsolete Facilities and Structures Requires Disciplined Approach
Type: White Paper
Name: Carbon Capture Market Is Marching Forward