Wetland Permitting & Design
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Section 404 permits are often the trigger for additional permits and studies. Our knowledgeable wetland scientists keep your project moving forward with knowledge of the latest federal, state and local requirements regarding wetlands and other waters.
Our professionals have strong relationships with the agencies who review and concur with wetland delineations. We understand the science and policy that drive permit requirements. We also understand the myriad of regulations beyond Section 404 and how they can affect your projects that involve navigable waterways, including Section 10 of the Rivers & Harbors Act, Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, Sections 407 and 408 of the Clean Water Act, along with numerous other state and local regulations.
Broad Experience for Efficient Results
We have decades of experience with wetland permitting and design. Our firm has conducted tens of thousands of wetlands delineations nationwide. Their knowledge in wetland science is supplemented with experience in project construction practices, allowing them to anticipate access or laydown needs and to identify opportunities for minimizing permitting requirements. This multidisciplinary knowledge helps get your project permitted as efficiently as possible.
We also work extensively on projects that involve streams, performing services for clients ranging from stream habitat assessments to bed/bank stabilization design solutions.
Mitigation Banking Alternatives
Some projects also can benefit from an impact offset solution. You may be able to establish a mitigation bank or purchase credits through an existing wetland bank or conservation bank to achieve permitting goals. We help you to determine the best way to move your project forward through an analysis to determine the likely impacts and the appropriate mitigation to offset those impacts.
Greentown-Reynolds 765-kV Transmission Line
Park Creek Station Wetland Mitigation Bank
North Fork Crow River Mitigation Bank
Insights & News
Burns & McDonnell Receives Awards for Protection and Restoration Projects and Litter Analy…
Case Study
Making Connections to Improve Reliability
Case Study
Restoring a South Florida Waterway
Type: News
Name: Burns & McDonnell Receives Awards for Protection and Restoration Projects and Litter Analysis
Type: Case Study
Name: Making Connections to Improve Reliability
Type: Case Study
Name: Restoring a South Florida Waterway