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Investment in new transmission is required to provide reliable power and connect generation facilities to load centers as demand for power increases. As that demand increases, public and private utilities and developers are engaged in at-risk projects through both the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 1000 competitive solicitation process and merchant transmission development. Our dynamic team is uniquely qualified to guide you through all facets of at-risk projects, including front-end identification of development opportunities, engineering, environmental permitting, right-of-way acquisition, financial consulting and lending requirements, construction, and commissioning.
Competitive Transmission
FERC introduced Order 1000 in July 2011 and affirmed it in May 2012 with Order 1000-A. Order 1000 is a landmark ruling that aims to increase competition in the electric transmission industry. The three key areas of focus include cost allocation, transmission planning and the removal of the federal right of first refusal (ROFR). Each planning region has its own set of unique challenges; however, one constant across North America is that the landscape is changing. We actively monitor developments across North America and work with you to develop strategies for competing and succeeding in the new paradigm. We have proven experience in competitive business constructs and can help you succeed in the wake of Order 1000.
Merchant Transmission
At-risk merchant transmission projects present unique challenges in developing a project from concept to revenue-earning asset. These challenges may include identifying suitable locations for renewable generation assets, determining transmission routes and interconnection sites, project feasibility and financial studies, FERC and/or Independent System Operator/Regional Transmission Organization (ISO/RTO) approval before engaging in detailed design and construction. Our cohesive team consists of experienced professionals that focus on developer-led projects, providing a project team that understands the development environment and the solutions required to make your projects successful.
Capital Planning Support & Strategic Asset Planning
At-risk projects require robust capital planning and support to identify investment needs and build sound business cases. Our development team partners with professionals from 1898 & Co. — our business, technology and security solutions consultancy — to provide capital planning support for business justification and decision making at all levels of your organization.
Competitive and merchant transmission projects are bolstered by strong asset planning that supports you in your effort to retain competitive market position in the evolving economy. Whether it’s meeting FERC or individual ISO/RTO requirements, our transmission planning experience in executing competitive analysis provides you with insight into optimization of new transmission assets. Our partnership with 1898 & Co. provides strategic asset planning and consulting during the project conception and development phases.
Insights & News
White Paper
Capitalizing on Existing Transmission Assets for West Coast Offshore Wind Power
White Paper
Begin With the End in Mind When Navigating the Renewable Project Approval Queue
Renewable Energy World: FERC Order 845’s ‘option to build’ impacts renewable developers as…
Type: White Paper
Name: Capitalizing on Existing Transmission Assets for West Coast Offshore Wind Power
Type: White Paper
Name: Begin With the End in Mind When Navigating the Renewable Project Approval Queue
Type: News
Name: Renewable Energy World: FERC Order 845’s ‘option to build’ impacts renewable developers as much as the PTC and ITC